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Warp D.R.E.

A Delegated Resolution Environment for Warp Contracts.

The reasoning

The purpose of implementing Warp D.R.E. is to address the following issues.

  1. Evaluation of high-interaction contracts - evaluating contracts with thousands of interactions is a hassle for the user's CPU. Response-time and UX can be improved significantly when computation is delegated to D.R.E.

  2. Interaction with high-risk contracts - some contracts may perform risky/unsafe operations. Contract interaction via Warp D.R.E. ensures the safety of users' devices.

  3. Insights into PST tokens' - Providing aggregate information about PST tokens' status and count has always been challenging. With D.R.E.'s aggregation tool, one can check global address data with just a few clicks.

  4. Avoid centralised, closed-sourced solutions - private, unknown processing logic, and tightly coupled to a specific cloud vendor (such as GCP or AWS) belong to the web2 era. Warp D.R.E. is built on the principle of "Don't trust, verify". Once initial testing is complete, we will open up D.R.E nodes for public participation.


Currently, there are two nodes available

  1. The East Side -
  2. The West Side -

To verify if your contract is available - check the /contract endpoint,

How it works?

1. Messages processing

  1. The Warp Gateway and Warp Sequencer are publishing messages to a pub/sub (currently Redis, Streamr in the future) - to a contracts channel.
  2. Two kind of messages are being sent:
    1. contract deployment notification (whenever a new contract is being deployed, either via Warp or directly to Arweave L1). Message format:
      "contractTxId": "<contract_txId>",
      "test": <true|false>,
      "source": "warp-gw"
      "initialState": <contract_initial_state>
    2. contract interaction notification (whenever a new interaction is being registered, either via Warp Sequencer or directly to Arweave L1).
      Message format:
      "contractTxId": "<contract_txId>",
      "test": <true|false>,
      "source": "warp-gw"
      "interaction": <new_interaction>
  3. D.R.E. is subscribing for messages on the contracts channel.
  4. D.R.E. maintains two internal queues. The queues are implemented with BullMQ.
    1. register queue for registering new contracts (for messages with an initial state)
    2. update queue for processing contracts' interactions (for messages with a new interaction)
  5. Each of the queues have its own set of workers. Each worker runs as a separate, sandboxed processor that is isolated from the rest of the code.
  6. Each message that comes to D.R.E. is first validated (message format, tx id format, etc.).
  • If it is a contract deployment notification AND contract is not yet registered - a new job is added to the register queue.
    The processor that picks up such job simply sets the initialState from the incoming message in the D.R.E. cache.
  • If it is a contract update notification AND contract is not yet registered - a new job is added to the register queue.
    The processor that picks up such job evaluates the contract's state from scratch.
  • If it is a contract update notification AND contract is already registered - a new job is added to the update queue. The processor that picks up such job either
    • evaluates the state only for the interaction from the message - if D.R.E. has a contract cached at message.interaction.lastSortKey
    • evaluates the state for all the interactions from the lastly cached - if D.R.E has a contract cached at a lower sort key than message.interaction.lastSortKey.

2. Caching

D.R.E. is currently using two kinds of caches

  1. Warp Contracts SDK's internal cache (with the LMDB plugin)
  2. better-sqlite3 based cache. This cache is used for serving data via D.R.E. endpoints - in order not to interfere with the Warp Contracts SDK internal cache. It also serves as a from of a backup.
    WAL mode is being used for increased performance.

The evaluated state (apart from being automatically cached by the Warp Contracts SDK) is additionally:

  1. Signed by the D.R.E.'s wallet. The data for the signature consists of:

    // state is stringified with 'safe-stable-stringify', not JSON.stringify.
    // JSON.stringify is non-deterministic.
    const stringifiedState = stringify(state);
    const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256');
    const stateHash = hash.digest('hex');

    const dataToSign = await deepHash([
    arweave.utils.stringToBuffer(owner), // a jwk.n of the D.R.E's wallet
    arweave.utils.stringToBuffer(sortKey), // a sort key at which the state has been evaluated
    arweave.utils.stringToBuffer(contractTxId), // what could it be....
    arweave.utils.stringToBuffer(stateHash), // a state hash
    arweave.utils.stringToBuffer(stringify(manifest)) // a full node's manifest

The manifest contains all the data that was used for the evaluation of the state, including

  • the libraries version (warp-contracts and all warp plugins)
  • the evaluation options
  • git commit hash at which the node was running during state evaluation.
    A manifest may look like this:
"gitCommitHash": "19a327e141300772985ef1b9e44c01c17de4f668",
"warpSdkConfig": {
"warp-contracts": "1.2.23",
"warp-contracts-lmdb": "1.1.1",
"warp-contracts-nlp-plugin": "1.0.5"
"evaluationOptions": {
"useVM2": true,
"maxCallDepth": 5,
"maxInteractionEvaluationTimeSeconds": 10,
"allowBigInt": true,
"internalWrites": true
"owner": "<very_long_string>",
"walletAddress": "uOImfFuq_KVTHZfsKdC-3WriZwtInyEkxe2MlU_le9Q"
  1. After signing - the state is stored in the better-sqlite3 (including the validity, error messages, state hash, node's manifest at the time of evaluation, signature).
    NOTE: This data allows to recreate the exact environment that was used to evaluate the state (and verify it locally).
  2. As a last step - a new state is being published on pub/sub states channel. The messages on this channel are being listened by the Warp Aggregate Node, which combines the data from all the D.R.E.s.

3. Events

To give a better understanding of that is going on, the D.R.E. registers events at certain points of processing. Each event consists of:

  1. event type
  2. timestamp
  3. optional message

The event type is one of:

  • REQUEST_REGISTER - a registration request has been received for a contract
  • REQUEST_UPDATE - an update request has been received for a contract
  • REJECT - an update or registration request has been rejected either because of incoming message validation errors or because contract is blacklisted.
  • FAILURE - an error have occurred during contract evaluation
  • EVALUATED - contract has been successfully evaluated (but it required loading interactions from Warp GW)
  • PROGRESS - added after evaluating each 500 interactions (useful for tracking the evaluation progress of a registered contract that has thousands of interactions)
  • UPDATED - contract has been successfully updated using the interaction sent in the message

4. Blacklisting

Whenever a contract reaches a certain amount of failures (3 for both dre-1 and dre-2) - it is blacklisted and ignored.

5. Endpoints

  1. /, /status - contains information about node manifest, workers configuration, queues status, etc.

  2. /contract - returns all data about a given contract. Parameters:

  3. /cached - returns a list of all cached contracts

  4. /blacklist - returns all contracts that failed at least once. If contract failed 3 times - it is blacklisted.

  5. /errors - returns all errors for all contracts

  6. /sync - schedule force synchronization of a given contract. This endpoint can't be called more frequent then every 10 seconds. Parameters:

    • id - text contract tx id


    http ":8080/sync?id=KT45jaf8n9UwgkEareWxPgLJk4oMWpI5NODgYVIF1fY"
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    Scheduled for update

    Error when too frequent requests per one contract:

    http ":8080/sync?id=KT45jaf8n9UwgkEareWxPgLJk4oMWpI5NODgYVIF1fY"
    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error

    Chill out and wait 10s

Environment variables

We configure D.R.E. using dotenv. It means we can modify the configuration using environment variables or .env file.

You can check out the default values in the .env.defaults file.

APPSYNC_PUBLISH_STATEtruePublish state into the appsync. Requires non-empty APPSYNC_KEY.
APPSYNC_KEYtrue/falseAWS AppSync key.
NODE_JWK_KEYtrueJWK key of Arweave wallet. See more in Pre requirements section.
PUBSUB_TYPEtrueTransport for node pub/sub. The node gets information about new blocks with it. Can be streamr or redis.
STREAMR_STREAM_IDif PUBSUB_TYPE=streamrRequired when PUBSUB_TYPE is streamr. Streamr stream id
GW_PORTif PUBSUB_TYPE='redis'Port to Redis pubsub instance
GW_HOSTif PUBSUB_TYPE='redis'Host to Redis pubsub instance
GW_USERNAMEif PUBSUB_TYPE='redis'Username for authenticating to Redis pubsub instance
GW_PASSWORDif PUBSUB_TYPE='redis'Password for authenticating to Redis pubsub instance
GW_TLSif PUBSUB_TYPE='redis'TLS enabled/disabled for Redis pubsub instance

How to run?

Docker compose


  1. git clone
  2. cp .env.defaults .env
  3. Edit .env file and set all required variables.
  4. yarn run-docker

Pre requirements

  1. You need to have docker installed on your local machine with docker-compose. You can use docker-desktop.
  2. You need to have Arweave wallet. You can generate it using:
    1. arweave wallet. You can download the wallet using the download button in the wallet setting.
    2. Generate a new wallet using script: mkdir .secrets && yarn generate-arweave-wallet
    3. Script will generate arweave keys, you should past JSON string in NODE_JWK_KEY env variable in .env file

      ⚠️ Don't use wallets with real funds for test/development proposes.

  3. NodeJS
  4. Yarn


To run docker-compose you need to set up correct environment variables. You can do it using .env file:

cp .env.defaults .env

The file .env.example contains variables you can configure) or any other way supported by docker compose.

When you set up all required environment variables, just run:

yarn run-docker

Docker build

Dev image (default platform)

Build dev tag image

docker buildx bake

Build image with custom tag

TAG=myCustomTag docker buildx bake

If you want to build multiplatform images

docker buildx create --name multibuilder
docker buildx use multibuilder


Create secret:

kubectl create secret generic dre --from-env-file=.env

Install/update helm chart:

helm upgrade --install warp-dre-node ./helm

Future work

  1. Sync the local state with D.R.E. inside the Warp Contract SDK while connecting to a contract (i.e. while calling warp.contract(<contract_tx_id)).
  2. Replace Redis with Streamr - in progress
  3. More nodes
  4. One-command deployment via Docker
  5. unsafeClient compatible nodes
  6. Bundle all the evaluated states
  7. A decentralized validation layer built on of the D.R.E. nodes
  8. Stats/dashboard