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Deploy your contracts

To launch a sample DEX and test the project we need to implement 3 contracts. We need two tokens that we can swap with each other and the main DEX contract.

Deploying token contracts

The first step is to properly configure the Warp SDK and connect it to the local testing environment. We will use ArLocal to run a local Arweave instance. It is much faster than the real blockchain. And it allows us to test SmartWave contracts without spending AR tokens.

arlocal = new ArLocal(1822, false);
await arlocal.start();
warp = WarpFactory.forLocal(1822);

Then we can generate test wallets:

  ({ jwk: ownerWallet, address: owner } = await warp.testing.generateWallet());
({ jwk: user1Wallet, address: user1 } = await warp.testing.generateWallet());

Let's start by deploying the two ERC20 token contracts. We're going to use a helper library bindings/erc20-js-binding and ERC20 source code, which is already copied to the erc20 folder for your convenience.

import { deployERC20, ERC20State } from '../erc20/bindings/erc20-js-binding';

The first step is to define the initial state of the contract:

initialERC20State = {
settings: null,
symbol: 'tkn0',
name: 'Token 0',
decimals: 18,
totalSupply: 1000000,
balances: {
[owner]: 1000000,
[user1]: 100,
allowances: {},
owner: owner,
canEvolve: true,
evolve: '',

Then we can deploy the ERC20 token and print out its address in the console:

let deployedERC20Contract = await deployERC20(
const token0TxId = deployedERC20Contract[1].contractTxId;
console.log('Deployed ERC20 contract: ', deployedERC20Contract);

The steps required to deploy the second token are the same. You just need to remember to change the name and the symbol of the token.

Deploying DEX

Before we can deploy the contract it's necessary to build and package the source code calling the following script:

yarn build

We're going to reuse the same test environment. The first step is to define the initial state:

const initialDexState = {
name: 'DEX',
token0: token0.txId(),
token1: token1.txId(),
reserve0: 0,
reserve1: 0,

Then we may grab the compiled code and order the SDK to perform deployment:

const contractSrc = fs.readFileSync(
path.join(__dirname, '../dist/contract.js'),

const deployedDex = await warp.createContract.deploy({
wallet: ownerWallet,
initState: JSON.stringify(initialDexState),
src: contractSrc,

We may print out the token address for our convenience:

const dexContractTxId = deployedDex.contractTxId;
console.log('Deployed DEX: ' + dexContractTxId);