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Interacting with the contract

We are displaying all the balances in the BalancesList component. We have access to the list thanks to state property we defined in the store in the Preparations section. Now all we need to do is find a way to properly mint some FC tokens to the wallet and transfer tokens between addresses.

🤑 Mint tokens​

We need to add mint function so it will be possible to fill up the wallet with some tokens. Head to challenge/src/components/Header/Header.vue and add declaration to txId variable in mint function by calling SDK's writeInteraction method:

const {originalTxId: txId} = await this.contract.writeInteraction({
function: 'mint',
qty: parseInt(this.$refs.balanceMint.value),

...and set the balances by calling SDK's currentState method:

const newResult = await this.contract.currentState();

💸 Transfer tokens​

Head to challenge/src/components/BalancesList/BalancesList.vue and add declaration to tx variable by calling SDK's transfer method:

const {originalTxId: txId} = await this.contract.writeInteraction({
function: 'mint',
qty: parseInt(this.$refs.balanceMint.value),

Finally, set the new balances list by calling currentState method:

let newResult = await this.contract.currentState();

✨ Conclusion​

And that's it! The application should now work correctly. Congratulations! If you completed this tutorial succesfully feel free to publish your code on Github and share it on `our Discord.